In Siberia, a crypto boom made of ingenuity, defiance and DIY | Curio

In Siberia, a crypto boom made of ingenuity, defiance and DIY

14 mins | Feb 18, 2022

Households across the region are furiously mining before it's too late. Fuelled by cheap power and proximity to the Chinese border, the Siberian village of Stolbova has come to be known as the epicentre of small-scale crypto mining. Boosted by China's mining crackdown in 2021, equipment was delivered en masse to Russia and Kazakhstan, enabling the average household to bring in four times the monthly average wage in the region. Polina Ivanova discovers the impact of the crypto-boom on the everyday lives of people in Stolbova as the longevity of Siberia's bitcoin mining industry remains on everyone's mind.

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From Financial Times

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