How COVID-19 will change aging and retirement | Curio

How COVID-19 will change aging and retirement

17 mins | Nov 28, 2020

The pandemic is forcing Americans to completely re-think retirement — but innovations are at the ready. For starters, Anne Tergesen explains in The Wall Street Journal, we can expect more people to age at home, especially with "40% of Covid-related deaths in the U.S. occurring in long-term-care facilities." Then, it's likely lifespans will decline, as our capacity to engage in social activities is reduced, undermining our mental health in the long-term. But not all is bad news, however. These changes will also bring about a wave of entrepreneurship to deal with the main issues, and most likely result in healthier, more educated and far more prepared elder individuals. Listen and find out more.

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From The Wall Street Journal

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